Monday, October 24, 2011

Hillary Humbled

Wow. So not even considering another presidential run, in any capacity, whatsoever. That leaves Republican Michele Bachmann to represent the ladies thus far? Ouch. The Hillary of times past seems to have disappeared: What's with the shoulder-length hair, bright toothy smile, and "Oh my goodness, no" look in her eye at the suggestion? And sense of camaraderie with that model-perfect Today newscaster? Ugh. Make me wistful for the ball-breaking hard-ass Hillary of yore.

Well, in other news, Bobby Jindal was re-elected governor of Louisiana. An underdog by default, he was the first Indian-American governor, elected in 2007. My bet there are a fair share of Republicans eyeballing Jindal with a greedy look in their eye for party considerations down the road. Probably a little more legit cause than Herman Cain and his abortion stance.

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