Monday, November 21, 2011

Creative Delays, IST

My impression is there are still a lot of Westerners when they think of India, they visualize cows in the streets, overpopulation, an absence of traffic lights. Those impressions are actually not too far off the mark, but what makes India unique is its breadth of creativity, enabled by the freedom to pour forth from its oceans of people. Except now, I seem to have spoken too soon. Tricky in a democratic society, to conclude it's possible to censor public dialogue about government officials, but not Bollywood stars. Meanwhile in China, artists like Ai Weiwei can't even Tweet without the government getting all 1984 about it.

Nevertheless, I am a total fan of the Wieden +Kennedy Dehli office blog page. They did the advertising campaign for IndiGo, the only airline in India I hear right now that isn't getting plagued with delays. And they've also put together this great resource for hip, trendy, and artistic things to do, see, shop for in India, The India Tube. There are some archaic elements about India that probably won't change anytime soon, this is all but certain. But it's always a nice idea to appreciate what I think is an Indian cultural mantra; stop watching the rain and wait for the sun to break through the clouds instead.

Post updated 12/06/11.

Photo from W + K Dehli

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