Monday, September 28, 2009

The PSA Obama Doesn't Want You To See

This is a hilarious video from Funny or Die and inadvertent continuation
of Obama's subtle yet clever, not to mention media-savvy, political campaign.

Also, the Huffington Post blogs about the current state of web TV, as well as the best shows online from The New York Times.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Five Things I Dislike About L.A. Traffic

1. The 101 during rush hour.

2. The 405 at any time during the day.

3. Large trucks that take up way too much space,
with everything from clothing to tree branches
falling out of them.

4. Glancing over at other drivers during a standstill
and they are looking back at you. Smiling.

5. Utter lack of blinker usage.

photo by L.A. Times blog

Reality vs. Documentary

The Westdoc Conference in Santa Monica, its first year running, was a great experience. Executives from different networks including Discovery, Animal Planet, E!, Lifetime, Planet Green, and ITVS discussed the merits of pitches and how not to approach them with an idea for show.

PitchFest, the third and last day of the conference, featured a selection of pitches from producers hoping to get a show off of the ground. The critiques ranged from developing better characters to knowing when subject matter is better suited for a documentary film, as opposed to a TV series.

A documentary film touring the festival circuit, 65 Red Roses, was screened at the conference. The film is about the friendships online of three different girls with life-threatening and debilitating diseases. A video from the LiveJournal entry of Eva, one of the girls, is posted with the trailer below.

to my LJ friends from Eva Dien on Vimeo.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

'Round the Web

Here are my TV video highlights for this week:

Charlie Rose interviews nonfiction writer Gay Talese, author of "Frank Sinatra Has a Cold".

Ex-Governor of Chicago, Rod Blagojevich, peddles his pretrial memoir, uh, The Governor, on The View.

On The Bonnie Hunt Show, Elizabeth Moss from Mad Men's mom plays the harmonica while driving:

Liv Tyler chats about raiding her dad's closet on The Rachel Zoe Project:

Behind the Music returns, with L'il Wayne as its premiere episode.

I heart Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. SNL alum Fallon reminds me of those theater geeks that are always secretly afraid their supercool friends, i.e., celebrities like Elijiah Wood, are going to realize he's also friends with you, the non-celebrity.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Just Breathe

Did you know that September is National Yoga Month? I didn't either. Check out participating yoga studios for a free week of yoga until Nov., but only new students.